Friday, March 7, 2008

I Have a Pet Wolf Named Kanux!

Pet Wolf at Human Age

A little wolf was wandering outside my cavegal hut a while ago...

He looked a little hungry, so after a couple of days I shared some of my food with him...

Now he's my trusty pet!

He went on a Mammoth hunt with me several weeks ago, too! We both got kind of hurt - someone SHOT MY WOLF during the mammoth hunt.....but really it wasn't intentional - so I didn't start 'nothin' up with the one whose stray arrow glanced off my wolf's shoulder. We both made it back home to safety and healed right up again.

Why didn't I post sooner when I first got the wolf at Human-Age?

Well - because he came around several times before he actually stayed and I thought I would JINX myself if I got too excited and posted about his appearance to me during the game!

Now, he and I have been through the Mammoth hunt together, a couple of 'plunderings' and during a freaky change of weather, we both got a li'l sick for a while, but Kanux stuck around and didn't leave. Now, it's safe to say that he is actually my pet and not just a straggler wandering along.

I've managed to get through 3 major QUESTS for my 'age' and Kanux guarded my place so it didn't get robbed while I had to do some overnight quest 'tests.'

I had to take out another loan in the middle of one of my quests 'cos I made a WRONG CHOICE right in the midst of things, but in a few more nights, with Kanux helping me on the nocturnal hunts, I will get more 'game' to sell at the market and can pay back the loan. Then I can double check on my status within my age to see how much longer I will be a prehistoric cavewoman before advancing to the next level.

I think I get to keep Kanux when I advance, and I like that idea a lot. I have heard that the next available pet in the new advanced age that I will go to next is...'s a snake!


I'm kinda creeped out about that, actually...maybe I will remain a cavewoman just an extra bit longer 'til I get used to the idea of snake-pets LOL

Why don't you come check out this game sometime?

Pet Wolf at Human Age

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