Thursday, July 10, 2008

Gladiatus ROCKS

Gladiatus - Hero of Rome Game:

I have been playing the Glatiatus game for several months now and have finally attainted level 15 bonuses. The main bonus at level 14 is that the amount earned for working in the stables is basically doubled!

Players start with the following details that must be improved upon:
Strength points
Skill points
Agility points
Constitution points
Charisma points

Players also need to keep earning money (on quests, in battle, and with manual labour in the stables).

Players can buy better and better equipment along the way: food (restores health when 'hitpoints' have been decimated in battles and adventures), recipes, amulets, rings, armour, weapons, boosts/charm-spells to increase the value of weapons and other items.

Anyhow - I made it up to level 15, which is a turning point in 'wages' - the amount a player can earn just by working in the stables.

Current Stats for my Player:
Strength: 35 - out of a possible 54
Skill: 44 - out of a possible 66
Agility: 32 - out of a possible 58
Constitution: 45 - out of a possible 69
Charisma: 29 - out of a possible 51

Players do not start out with "0" - Zero values in these areas when they first start the game.

Here are the basic levels you'll have if you join the game:
Strength: 26
Skill: 34
Agility: 29
Constitution: 36
Charisma: 24

Join Gladiatus - Hero of Rome - Online RPG

Come and be a gladiator!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Leapster L-Max Some Points to Consider

Leapster L-Max Learning Game Systems:

Many parents DO recognize how both games and making time for 'play' can positively influence the lives of their children. Computer technology combined with learning games can provide some extra mental stimulation that some parents appreciate, and this is what Leapster L-Max Learning Game System provides.

However, there are a couple of points that are drawbacks.

1. Parents need to be careful of putting the 'game' forward to teach their kids and allowing this to educate children instead of parents. In other words, parent need to regulate the time their children spend on computer games, even if these are learning games.

2. Some of the games for the L-Max are not necessarily classified as 'learning games,' so parents have to be aware of which games the child is putting in the system. A few of the games are action games that might promote or evoke a certain amount of violence. With supervision, sometimes games like this are alright for children, but unsupervised activities and lengthy to exposure to some games can be detrimental to a child's learning.

In order to make smart choices about children's games and game systems, parents will need to become familiar with this gaming system. There are different types of 'L-Max' systems, as well as several kinds of games.

Different kinds of games fit into the L-Max gaming systems in the form of 'cartridges,' so that parents can be involved in selecting what kinds of material children encounter with these gaming systems.

Although the Leapfrog shop that sells these systems generally promotes the cartridges as 'learning games,' I just wanted to post and make people aware that there are some cartridges that really aren't 'learning games.'

This doesn't mean that the 'other game' cartridges are BAD - it is just something that parents might want to be aware of and monitor, in case their child or children is sensitive to violence or has particular reactions to action-games that are not within a learning frame. Or simply, a parent might just want to limit how often a child has access to the 'game' cartridges for game-play versus making the 'learning game' cartridges available at all times.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sonic - The Game in A Widget!

Sonic - The Game

Check out this widget! It's a little small but you'll get used to it. All you have to do to start the game is mouse-on the grey-ish bar in the middle of the widget.

That will start the game.

"<--" left arrow key to move left
"-->" right arrow key to move right

Use the down arrow for powerspin and let Sonic really POWER UP!

Spacebar to get Sonic to Jump over obstacles

Hey - you can select 3 characters besides Sonic!

"Tails" really moves in this widget.

I hope you enjoy the game!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earning Currency in Level 2 Human Age

Human Age - Level 2 Currency

Well, I've been in level 2 for several weeks now and am still having problems figuring out how to earn enough to progress through this level.

I've managed to keep my wolf, so that is a bonus, and it doesn't 'cost' extra to keep my pet. A couple of people on my 'friends' list have actually started sending me 'gifts' to boost my 'morale points,' and that is very helpful, so I will keep plodding on, learning how to manage activities in the 'Celts' stage of Human Age.

I am starting to think that this is why 'marriages' are happening a lot in level that people are teamed up with their resources, helping each other. Hmmmm...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Adverbux Has a Paid Arcade

Meteorman at a Paid Arcade Online

Hey, I tracked down a place to play METEORMAN!

That game was big well over a decade ago - probably more like 2 decades ago.

I get paid when I play Meteorman over at ADVERBUX now. Excellent surprise.

I was just wondering where in the heck I could find that game, so I did a search online through Google Search engine. Some results that turned up took me to a place called 'addicting arcade' and I realized that these games were already connected with a program I joined a little while ago! I joined ADVERBUX a while ago to make some money online. I totally overlooked the arcade part of the program for a couple of weeks.

I searched inside my ADVERBUX members area, into the paid arcade pages and sure enough, Meteorman was there! So now, if I get a reasonable score (there are minimum scores that you have to acquire in order to submit your score for cash), I get paid for each attempt to get Meteorman to higher and tougher levels.

This online version of Meteorman is fairly difficult, in general, but the minimum score to submit and earn is really easy to get to.

Check out the paid arcade section - there are probably other games, oldies-but-goodies that you haven't seen in a while.

I'm going to check out the othello game next time I log in.

I hope you'll check out the games, soon, too - and try

Meteorman at a Paid Arcade Online

Age 2 Human Age - The Celts

The Celts Level 2 Human Age

Hey my hair is orange in level 2! I'm a red-headed Celt!

This age is taking much getting used to.

I lost everything I had from the first level - Except my trusty wolf pet *whew*

I haven't gotten the hang of the jobs in level 2 yet, but I'm working on it. Luckily, the Druids are around in level 2, just like they were in level 1 and if you visit them, they will give you food while you're saving up 'troutheads.' Troutheads are the currency in level two, and if you get there, you'll be in a fishing village, so almost all the jobs are fishing-related. There are other 'tasks,' too. I am not a very good fisherwoman yet, so I go on 'sweeping' excursions and get paid 8 units by doing that. Or, I gather raw materials for making things and then get set to work on the task that I want to accomplish.

There are a lot more things to do and accomplish in the 2nd age, but I'm keeping on top of it.

Here's the list of things that have to be accomplished in order to advance again to another level:

* Know how to live in a community.
* Discover woodworking.
* Know how to tame animals.
* Know how to sail.
* Know how to forge metal.
* Have maximum intelligence.
* Have maximum strength.
* Have maximum stamina.
* Have maximum health.
* Have maximum morale.
* Be at least 60 moons old.
* Weigh over 90 kilos.
* Not have any health problems.
* You have yet to take part in 5 punitive expeditions. (0/5)
* You don't have 3 medals from the challenge. (0/3) [This is not mandatory yet]
* You have to repay what you owe the bank.

That last part sucks! I already took out a loan at the village bank and that was about 6 days ago and I still haven't earned enough or saved enough to pay the loan back. It looks like I'm not going anywhere for a long time, so as my fishing skills increase, I'll make more money and be able to save a portion of this strictly for paying the village bank back in about another week and a half.

I'm not going to attempt any risky activities at all because I found that some risks I took in level 1 cost me a lot of currency. I'll just pay the bank back and stick to steady, safe tasks and hopefully this will allow me to advance faster than I did in level 1.

Or - I need to get me a rich spouse in level 2.

There are *yikes* MARRIAGES in level 2...kinda staying away from THAT until I am better familiar with this level.

Anyhow - if you're 'in the game' I will catch up with you there. If you're not, then goshsakes, can't you see the banners for Human Age all over this blog? Sheesh - follow one of the banners and get signed up!

Maybe you'll catch up to me in a few weeks at

The Celts Level 2 Human Age

Friday, March 21, 2008

Wolves, More Wolves!

Introducing Gladiatus Online RPG Game

I have a pet wolf in one game.

In another, I am battling a wolf in a faraway cave!

Gladiatus is another online role-play game that works in your browser. I've been testing the game out for a couple of weeks and like it quite a bit. I'll stick with this one and try to build my character over time. I've just gotten to level 3 and I took on a challenge to go to the caves and battle a wild wolf!

I'm "recruiting" GLADIATORS as well.

If you'd like to be a Gladiatus Gladiator, here's the link:

Are You a Good Gladiator? Find out at Gladiatus Online RPG

See you there!


* A Tip - when you start as a Gladiator, get into the forum for the "Beginner's Guide" RIGHT AWAY. Don't make the most common mistakes when you first start. The game isn't terribly forgiving, so you don't want to cost your character heavy point loss by avoidable mistakes at the very start.

This guide is really straightforward and will only take you about 15 minutes to read if you're an average reader!

Good Luck, Gladiator!

Introducing Gladiatus Online RPG Game

Advancing To a New Age

Advancing a Level at Human Age:

Tomorrow, I should advance to the next age of civilization on Human Age.

*crossing fingers*

I'm not sure how things work because this is the first time I'll advance since starting in the game, but hopefully the game allows me to keep the items I have acquired. I have a pretty nice hut now and worked hard to gain items for my hut in the game.

Someone still ROBBED ME last week grrrrrrr, however, I lost some kneecaps/cash but retained all important articles, so the dirty little robber didn't get away with much.

Anyhow - off to make sure my wolf is well fed, and I'm just waiting for the flip of the clock into tomorrow. Then I can find out what the next stage of the game is like, and how advancing a level works with my character, pet, and belongings!

Advancing a Level at Human Age

Friday, March 7, 2008

I Have a Pet Wolf Named Kanux!

Pet Wolf at Human Age

A little wolf was wandering outside my cavegal hut a while ago...

He looked a little hungry, so after a couple of days I shared some of my food with him...

Now he's my trusty pet!

He went on a Mammoth hunt with me several weeks ago, too! We both got kind of hurt - someone SHOT MY WOLF during the mammoth hunt.....but really it wasn't intentional - so I didn't start 'nothin' up with the one whose stray arrow glanced off my wolf's shoulder. We both made it back home to safety and healed right up again.

Why didn't I post sooner when I first got the wolf at Human-Age?

Well - because he came around several times before he actually stayed and I thought I would JINX myself if I got too excited and posted about his appearance to me during the game!

Now, he and I have been through the Mammoth hunt together, a couple of 'plunderings' and during a freaky change of weather, we both got a li'l sick for a while, but Kanux stuck around and didn't leave. Now, it's safe to say that he is actually my pet and not just a straggler wandering along.

I've managed to get through 3 major QUESTS for my 'age' and Kanux guarded my place so it didn't get robbed while I had to do some overnight quest 'tests.'

I had to take out another loan in the middle of one of my quests 'cos I made a WRONG CHOICE right in the midst of things, but in a few more nights, with Kanux helping me on the nocturnal hunts, I will get more 'game' to sell at the market and can pay back the loan. Then I can double check on my status within my age to see how much longer I will be a prehistoric cavewoman before advancing to the next level.

I think I get to keep Kanux when I advance, and I like that idea a lot. I have heard that the next available pet in the new advanced age that I will go to next is...'s a snake!


I'm kinda creeped out about that, actually...maybe I will remain a cavewoman just an extra bit longer 'til I get used to the idea of snake-pets LOL

Why don't you come check out this game sometime?

Pet Wolf at Human Age